Tag Archive for: BMW-RDC

BMW workers at the distribution center in Palmer Township, Pennsylvania, have voted more than 2-to-1 to ratify a new contract securing raises of up to 33% and ending the two-tier wage system over the life of the agreement. 

The agreement also introduces major improvements to policies on time off, uniforms, overtime exemptions, and attendance. The deal comes after workers at the BMW facility, who package and ship parts, as well as all BMW motorcycles, to BMW’s dealer network, built a credible strike threat that forced the company to offer a contract that properly reflects workers’ immense value.

BMW has raked in a massive $50 billion in profits since 2021 and paid out $7.2 billion to shareholders last year alone. Company CEO Oliver Zipse was generously rewarded with a nearly $10 million payday in 2023. Yet, workers at the facility saw their standard of living continue to decline as wages and benefits stagnated for years.  

“The company has been making billions in profits while many of us had gone for years without a raise, which is unacceptable,” said Zach Haas, the chief steward and bargaining unit chair. “We used our collective power, including the very real threat of withholding our labor, to win a great deal that rewards our work and gives us a stronger voice and platform for making the plant safer.”

Many workers will receive an 11% raise immediately. The new agreement also contains a new process to guarantee that workers’ safety and health concerns are heard and dealt with in a timely and appropriate manner. These BMW workers are the latest UAW members to win big as part of the Stand Up Movement.

Palmer Township, PA — UAW members who work at the BMW Regional Distribution Center in Palmer Township, PA, have won a historic tentative agreement that, if ratified, includes record wage increases and ends the two-tier wage system. The agreement also introduces major improvements to policies on time off, uniforms, overtime exemptions, and attendance. The deal comes after workers at the BMW facility built a credible strike threat that forced the company to offer a contract that properly reflects workers’ immense value.  
“We knew that if we stuck together and refused to be divided, we could win,” said Zach Haas, chief steward and bargaining unit chair. “This agreement is going to mean a better life for me and my coworkers.”  
BMW has raked in a massive $50 billion in profits since 2021 and paid out $7.2 billion to shareholders last year alone. Company CEO Oliver Zipse was generously rewarded with a nearly $10 million payday in 2023. Yet, workers at the facility have seen their standard of living continue to decline as wages and benefits have stagnated for years.  
For weeks, workers ramped up their campaign to win a record contract before the current agreement’s June 30 expiration. They organized red shirt days and held multiple rallies in front of the BMW facility, with community leaders often joining them to offer their support.  
On June 8, members voted by 99% to authorize a strike, sending a clear message to BMW that workers were more than willing to walk if the company continued to lowball negotiations. 
“I couldn’t be prouder of these workers for demanding better working conditions and a better life for themselves,” said UAW Region 9 Director Daniel Vicente. “They stood together and showed BMW that they were willing to do what needed to be done to win what they know they deserve. They’re a testament to the power of solidarity.”  
Workers at the RDC will attend informational meetings and vote on the agreement in the coming days.  
The record tentative agreement at the BMW-RDC follows a string of contract victories for the UAW, including major wins at the Big Three automakers, Daimler Truck, Allison Transmission, and Aramark, among others. 


Your Bargaining Committee is pleased to report that it has reached a Tentative Agreement on a successor contract between the UAW and BMW-RDC. In the next week or so you will receive the details of the new contract, including a report on all of the provisions as well as access to copies of each and every component of the new deal.

Here are some of the highlights:

NO CONCESSIONS! We held firm and refused to consider any of the concessions the Company was demanding. It is fair to say that for the first time at the bargaining table, this was not a “give and take”—we just took.

BIG WAGE INCREASES. If ratified, on July 1, 2024, everyone with more than two years with the Company will move to over $24.00 in pay (that’s an eleven percent (11%) increase), and then a 4.5% increase in year two, 4.6% increase in year three, and 4.62% increases in both years four and five. In all, workers will see a 33.58% total wage increase over the life of the contract.


THE END OF TIERS. At the last minute, because of your support and standing strong, the Company relented and agreed to end tiers in wages.  By the end of this contract, everyone will be making Tier One wages.



Details are on their way, including the date and time for ratification meetings, at which all of your questions will be answered.

The bargaining committee thanks each and every bargaining unit member for your strong support through this process.

Because we STOOD STRONG we made MAJOR GAINS.

Hello BMW-RDC Family:

The bargaining committee met all day with the Company pressing hard for a deal that ENDS TIERS and FREEZES HEALTH INSURANCE COSTS.  While the Company’s supervisors were busy building a wall around the property, we can report that the Company’s bargaining committee has shown some interest in avoiding a job action. Let’s see if they follow through during our last day of bargaining tomorrow (Saturday).

There is still a long night and day of bargaining ahead. We are committed to getting you the best deal you deserve. We will not bring back a deal unless it END TIERS, FREEZES HEALTH CARE COSTS, and contains not a single CONCESSION.

The years of concessionary contracts are over.

Stay tuned for updates. We will be bargaining into the night and all day tomorrow.



The Nazareth BMW RDC is united more than ever after another successful rally today, following more mandatory overtime! We will not be divided!

BMW must be afraid of the bargaining committee because today they provided their 2nd “last, best, and final” offer to the entire membership.

Y’ALL BY NOW MAY HAVE GOTTEN THE COMPANY’S PROPAGANDA DISTRIBUTED ON THE SHOP FLOOR (remember on day one they promised they would do this kind of bullshit?).  WELL, THEY DID IT.



Apparently, they do not understand that we are not interested in pennies. Our brothers and sisters collectively showed up to negotiations to tell the company NO the first time!

The company’s second “last, best, and final” offer still fails to return wages & bonuses that were greedily taken from the workers! Their discretionary update to the “bonus” program cut our pay in 2021, and their offers still fail to correct that. With billions in profit, how greedy can the company be? This is unacceptable.

Our committee will continue to negotiate, for a contract that addresses what the company’s proposal failed to:

● Elimination of Tiers
● Record Wage Increases
● Affordable Healthcare
● Non-discretionary bonuses
● Safe & Healthy working conditions

Your bargaining committee will provide strike preparedness information tomorrow. We will be ready, if necessary, to stand up for a fair contract.


Actualización de negociación 27/06/24

¡El BMW RDC de Nazaret está más unido que nunca después de otro rally exitoso hoy, después de más horas extras obligatorias! ¡No nos dividiremos!

BMW debe tener miedo del comité de negociación porque hoy presentó su segunda oferta “última, mejor y definitiva” a todos los miembros.

A estas alturas es posible que ya hayan distribuido la propaganda de la empresa en el taller (¿recuerdan que el primer día prometieron que harían este tipo de tonterías?). BIEN, LO HICIERON.



Al parecer, no entienden que no nos interesan los centavos. ¡Nuestros hermanos y hermanas se presentaron colectivamente a las negociaciones para decirle a la empresa NO la primera vez!

¡La segunda oferta “última, mejor y definitiva” de la compañía aún no devuelve los salarios y bonificaciones que fueron quitados con avidez a los trabajadores! Su actualización discrecional del programa de “bonificaciones” redujo nuestro salario en 2021 y sus ofertas aún no logran corregir eso. Con miles de millones en ganancias, ¿qué tan codiciosa puede ser la empresa? Esto es inaceptable.

Nuestro comité continuará negociando un contrato que aborde lo que la propuesta de la empresa no logró:

● Eliminación de niveles
● Aumentos salariales récord
● Atención médica asequible
● Bonos no discrecionales
● Condiciones de trabajo seguras y saludables

Su comité de negociación proporcionará información sobre preparación para la huelga mañana. Estaremos dispuestos, si es necesario, a defender un contrato justo.


Your brothers and sisters joined the bargaining committee today to tell the company NO to their “last, best, and final” offer. We have shown the company we are united, and will not be bullied into a weak contract. The company said they can afford a record contract, and we will not accept anything less. After years of being taken advantage of, the workers are here to stand up against corporate greed.

After the workers showed up, the company verbally agreed to changes including $600 annually for a new uniform policy.

We have provided the company with another proposal that includes your demands such as








Your bargaining committee is working on your strike schedules and signs, and we are prepared if necessary. Schedules outlining time & responsibilities will be distributed on Friday if no agreement is reached, but we will continue to bargain in good faith.

Tomorrow, June 27th we rally on the hill at 4:30 pm. Wear your red shirt to show we are united in solidarity!

Contract expires June 30th. TICK TOCK


Check out Zachary Hass chief steward and bargaining chair and Reyna Lopez who is also part of the bargaining team as they share why BMW-RDC may go on strike. click story below.

Actualización de negociación 26/06/24

Sus hermanos y hermanas se unieron hoy al comité de negociación para decirle a la empresa NO a su “última, mejor y definitiva” oferta. Le hemos demostrado a la empresa que estamos unidos y que no nos dejaremos intimidar por un contrato débil. La compañía dijo que pueden permitirse un contrato récord y que no aceptaremos nada menos. Después de años de que se aprovecharan de ellos, los trabajadores están aquí para enfrentarse a la avaricia corporativa.

Después de que llegaron los trabajadores, la empresa acordó verbalmente cambios que incluían 600 dólares anuales para una nueva política de uniformes.

Le hemos brindado a la empresa otra propuesta que incluye sus demandas como








Su comité de negociación está trabajando en sus calendarios y carteles de huelga y estamos preparados si es necesario. Los cronogramas que describen el tiempo y las responsabilidades se distribuirán el viernes si no se llega a un acuerdo, pero continuaremos negociando de buena fe.

Mañana 27 de junio nos concentraremos en la colina a las 4:30 p.m. ¡Usa tu camiseta roja para demostrar que estamos unidos en solidaridad!

El contrato vence el 30 de junio. TIC TAC


Eche un vistazo a Zachary Hass, delegado jefe y presidente de negociaciones, y a Reyna López, quien también forma parte del equipo de negociación, mientras comparten por qué BMW-RDC puede declararse en huelga.

haga clic en la historia a continuación.

Your bargaining committee waited all day for the company to meet for only 30 minutes.

The company gave their “Last, Best, Complete, and Final Offer” with what the company claims is a significant raise as low as $1.51. With over 50 billion in profits since the last contract, they should be ashamed. The company has billions for shareholder distributions but refuses to return their workers to wages these same jobs paid over a decade ago. With multiple days until contract expiration, to present a last, best, and final this early is insulting.

The membership is here to stand up against corporate greed for better working conditions, and better lives for our family, if necessary.

No Tiers – equal pay for equal work

Real profit sharing and non-discretionary bonuses

Affordable Healthcare

Improved working conditions, such as adequate restroom accessibility.

Resolutions to our health and safety concerns

Improved Family / Life balance regarding overtime

We will rally this Thursday, June 27th at 4:30pm on the hill. Please wear a red shirt to show we are united in solidarity.

Contract expires on June 30th. TICK TOCK


Actualización de negociación 25/06/24

Su comité de negociación esperó todo el día a que la empresa se reuniera durante sólo 30 minutos.

La empresa ofreció su “última, mejor, completa y final oferta” con lo que, según afirma, es un aumento significativo de tan solo 1,51 dólares. Con más de 50 mil millones de ganancias desde el último contrato, deberían estar avergonzados. La compañía tiene miles de millones para distribuciones a los accionistas, pero se niega a devolver a sus trabajadores los mismos salarios que pagaban hace más de una década. Con varios días hasta el vencimiento del contrato, presentar un último, mejor y final tan temprano es un insulto.

Los miembros están aquí para oponerse a la avaricia corporativa de mejores condiciones laborales y mejores vidas para nuestra familia, si es necesario.

Sin niveles: igual salario por igual trabajo

Participación real en las utilidades y bonificaciones no discrecionales

Cuidado de salud Asequible

Mejores condiciones de trabajo, como accesibilidad adecuada a los baños.

Soluciones a nuestras preocupaciones de salud y seguridad

Mejora del equilibrio entre familia y vida en relación con las horas extras

Nos reuniremos este jueves 27 de junio a las 4:30 p. m. en la colina. Por favor use una camisa roja para demostrar que estamos unidos en solidaridad.

El contrato vence el 30 de junio. TIC TAC


Your bargaining committee met with the company once again today. We’ve been here since May and have continued to tell the company your demands since day one, yet they continue to pass proposals that fail to address them.

Their economic proposals still include tiers, minimal wage increases, NO improvements to our retirement benefits, NO real bonus or profit sharing, and NO freeze on healthcare costs.

Your committee is holding strong and will not accept anything that does not improve conditions for everyone, not just a few.

As their lawyer stated, they can afford it, they just don’t want to.

We will rally this Thursday June 27th on the hill at 2:30pm, or 4:30pm if there is overtime.

Please bring a red shirt to show solidarity.

Contract expires June 30th.



Our bargaining committee met with the company today, presenting large bundles of both economic and non-economic proposals.

We continue to demand closing the wage gap the company created years ago. Equal pay for equal work is a MUST for the membership and must be addressed in this contract. Your committee estimates wage concessions for new hires have cost workers well over $15,000,000 in the last decade, while the company has profited BILLIONS. We ask for only a fraction of that back to return good-paying union jobs back to our community. Even the company’s lawyer admitted they could afford it.

We continue to demand the following because the company can afford to do so with over 50 BILLION in profits since 2021.

● Elimination of Tiers

● Record Wage increases for a livable wage

● Profit Sharing

● Freeze on Healthcare costs

● Better working conditions

The member-driven rally today was a major success, following not only over time but also during a record heat wave. We are united in solidarity more than ever, with tremendous support from the UAW.

Your bargaining committee will continue to work hard until a record contract is won.

The contract expires on June 30th, 2024. TICK TOCK


Actualización de negociación 20/06/2024

Nuestro comité de negociación se reunió hoy con la empresa y presentó grandes paquetes de propuestas tanto económicas como no económicas.

Seguimos exigiendo cerrar la brecha salarial que la empresa creó hace años. Igual salario por igual trabajo es OBLIGATORIO para los miembros y debe abordarse en este contrato. Su comité estima que las concesiones salariales para los nuevos empleados han costado a los trabajadores más de 15.000.000 de dólares en la última década, mientras que la empresa ha obtenido miles de millones de beneficios. Sólo pedimos que se nos devuelva una fracción de esa cantidad para devolver a nuestra comunidad empleos sindicales bien remunerados. Incluso el abogado de la empresa admitió que se lo pueden permitir.

Seguimos exigiendo lo siguiente, porque la empresa puede permitírselo con más de 50 MIL MILLONES de beneficios desde 2021.

● Eliminación de niveles

● Aumentos salariales récord para un salario digno

● Participación en las ganancias

● Congelación de los costos de atención médica

● Mejores condiciones laborales

La manifestación impulsada por los miembros de hoy fue un gran éxito, no sólo después de horas extras, sino también durante una ola de calor récord. Estamos unidos en solidaridad más que nunca, con un tremendo apoyo del UAW.

Su comité de negociación seguirá trabajando duro hasta conseguir un contrato récord.

El contrato vence el 30 de junio de 2024. TICK TOCK


Your bargaining committee met with the company today to continue negotiating for the member’s demands. The company continues to waste our time offering pennies on the dollar, and still failing to address our top issues. Their proposals continue to include no path to the top rate. When the committee asked why the company failed to address our concerns, they responded without reason. After contradicting themselves about affording to do so, the lawyer responded they could afford it, but wouldn’t. Their proposals continue to exclude the following: No real profit sharing. No freeze on healthcare costs. No COLA. No bathroom equality for women.

We’ll return to the table tomorrow.

We will rally tomorrow, June 20th at 4:30 pm on the hill to continue showing the company we are united in winning a record contract.



Actualización de negociación 19/06/2024

Su comité de negociación se reunió hoy con la empresa para continuar negociando las demandas de los miembros. La compañía continúa haciéndonos perder el tiempo ofreciendo centavos por dólar y aún sin abordar nuestros principales problemas. Sus propuestas siguen sin incluir ningún camino hacia la tasa máxima. Cuando el comité preguntó por qué la empresa no había abordado nuestras inquietudes, respondieron sin razón. Después de contradecirse acerca de permitirse el lujo de hacerlo, el abogado respondió que podían permitírselo, pero que no lo harían. Sus propuestas continúan excluyendo lo siguiente: Ninguna participación real en las ganancias. No se congelarán los costos de atención médica. Sin cola. No hay igualdad en el baño para las mujeres.

Mañana volveremos a la mesa.

Nos reuniremos mañana, 20 de junio a las 4:30 pm en la colina para seguir demostrando a la empresa que estamos unidos para ganar un contrato récord.