Tag Archive for: Solidarity Magazine

The new Fall 2024 issue of Solidarity Magazine is now available. 

You can download it here, and share it with fellow UAW members.

In this issue:

  • VOLKSWAGEN WORKERS MAKE HISTORY: The recent union election victory at Volkswagen in Chattanooga, TN, marks a monumental achievement after years of persistent organizing.
  • MERCEDES WORKERS: After workers at Volkswagen won their union, workers at Mercedes were organizing to do the same. Workers courageously stepped up to fight for the voice they knew they deserved.
  • STAND UP BMW: In July, a small but mighty group of BMW workers at the distribution center in Palmer Township, Pennsylvania, pushed back on one of the largest auto manufacturers in the world — and won!
  • DAIMLER TRUCK: After mounting a massive campaign and building a serious strike threat against Daimler Truck this spring, UAW members at the multibillion-dollar manufacturer won a historic agreement by uniting across local unions — a first — and shifting to one common wage grid.
  • 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: In 2024, we’re taking our Stand Up playbook and bringing it to the political scene because the same bosses who beat us up on the job and fight us at the negotiating table are hell-bent on owning our political system as well.
  • And more!

If you’re a new member of the UAW, the New Member issue of Solidarity magazine will help give you a better understanding of how our organization functions on a day-to-day basis. It’s a valuable resource for any member interested in increasing their knowledge of our union.

You can download it here, and share it with fellow UAW members.

In this issue:

  • Welcome to the UAW: President Shawn Fain welcomes new members to our union and explains why having a collective voice with coworkers at the workplace is just as important today than ever before.
  • Our Members are the Highest Authority: Find out how the UAW is structured and how our members are the ultimate authority in shaping the policies and direction of our union.
  • Membership Dues: Learn how your monthly membership dues are allocated in order to keep the UAW strong and ready to take on corporate greed.
  • The UAW and Politics: Learn the many ways our union fights for worker and civil rights, in our communities and in the legislative halls.
  • Your Rights are Protected: The Public Review Board and Ethics Hotline are just two of the ways your rights as a UAW member are safeguarded.
  • UAW Bargaining Highlights: Through the years, the UAW has led the way in securing historic economic gains for the working class.
  • And more!