Tag Archive for: 2024 Election

UAW Family,

Last week, the American people decided to give Donald Trump another term as President of the United States. In a democracy, the four most important words are: The People Have Spoken.

And while it’s not the outcome our union advocated for, and it’s not the outcome a majority of our members voted for, our mission remains the same. We must raise the standard of living for our members and the entire working class through unity, solidarity, and working-class power. No matter who is in the White House.

Going into this election, we heard from our CAP Councils, polled our membership, and looked at the records of the two candidates, and the choice was clear. A majority of UAW members were supporting Biden, and then Harris, and a majority voted accordingly.

But for us, this was never about party or personality. As we have said consistently, both parties share blame for the one-sided class war that corporate America has waged on our union, and on working-class Americans for decades.
And we stand today where we stood last week.

We stand for bringing back American jobs.

We stand for renegotiating the broken USMCA trade deal.

We stand for taking on corporations that break their promises to American workers.

And we stand against the same things we’ve always stood against.

We will never support the destruction of the union movement.

We will never support efforts to divide and conquer the working class by nationality, race, and gender.

We will never support handouts to the ultra-wealthy or paying for it by cutting crucial federal investments.

We are unafraid to confront any politician who takes actions that harm the working class, our communities and our unions.

But the UAW will also work with any politician, regardless of party, who stands with the working class.

So, our mission now is to keep our issues on the table.

Our mission is to be loud and clear about where we stand.

Our mission is to stop plant closures and the mass exodus of jobs to low-wage, high-exploitation countries.

Our mission is to stop the race to the bottom as blue-collar jobs are liquidated in service of Wall Street paydays.

Our mission is to ensure a secure retirement, a living wage, adequate healthcare, and work-life balance for every one of our members, and every member of the working class.

Today, our members clock in to the same jobs they clocked into last week. You face the same threats – corporate greed, Wall Street predators, and a political system that ignores us. And we are driven by the same force, as outlined in our UAW Constitution generations ago: “the hope of the worker in advancing society toward the ultimate goal of social and economic justice.”

No matter how you voted, or how you’re feeling about the results, I encourage each and every one of you to get involved. Our UAW Constitution provides for a CAP rep at every plant, CAP Councils in every region, and implores every UAW member to participate in the political process.

And that process does not begin or end with the presidential election. Political action on every level of government, in every state, in every sector has an impact on every contract, every organizing drive, and every standard we win as a union. This union belongs to you, and we want you to get involved today.


In solidarity,
UAW President Shawn Fain

President Fain will highlight recent polling showing effectiveness of union’s large-scale member engagement program and will field questions from members


Detroit – On Tuesday, October 29 at 8:00 pm, UAW President Shawn Fain will address UAW rank-and-file members in a virtual livestream to directly reach undecided voters and fulfill the union’s constitutional duty to “play an active role at all levels of government to protect the lives and rights of its members and their families.”

He will highlight the choices members face in the upcoming election, contrasting the two presidential candidates and drawing the direct connection between the ballot box and the bread box.

His remarks will underscore how this election is about making clear who is on the side of the working class and using the union’s strength in numbers to support leaders who will stand with workers in critical fights—like those who have stood with UAW members in the union’s ongoing battle to make Stellantis keep its promise to autoworkers. His message will clarify that this election is not about endorsing a single party or candidate, but rather about advancing the needs of the working class and casting votes for candidates who support working-class interests.

President Fain will present a fact-based overview contrasting the two candidates’ positions, particularly on trade, labor law, and other policies that affect manufacturing, and discuss the effectiveness of the union’s large-scale election program in reaching members directly.

The media will be invited to join the livestream on the UAW’s YouTube channel or social media accounts (Facebook or Twitter).

President Fain will also take live questions directly from UAW members.

WHO: UAW President Shawn Fain
WHAT: Election 2024 Livestream
WHERE: Livestream on UAW YouTube, social media (Facebook, Twitter)
WHEN: Tues., Oct. 29, at 8 p.m. ET

The UAW’s roadmap for victory aligns with the vision behind 2023’s Stand Up strike and movement. By setting the record straight, uniting the working class, and empowering members to lead, the UAW’s “Stand Up, Speak Up, Show Up” campaign will channel the collective power of the union to curb corporate greed at the ballot box.

The new Fall 2024 issue of Solidarity Magazine is now available. 

You can download it here, and share it with fellow UAW members.

In this issue:

  • VOLKSWAGEN WORKERS MAKE HISTORY: The recent union election victory at Volkswagen in Chattanooga, TN, marks a monumental achievement after years of persistent organizing.
  • MERCEDES WORKERS: After workers at Volkswagen won their union, workers at Mercedes were organizing to do the same. Workers courageously stepped up to fight for the voice they knew they deserved.
  • STAND UP BMW: In July, a small but mighty group of BMW workers at the distribution center in Palmer Township, Pennsylvania, pushed back on one of the largest auto manufacturers in the world — and won!
  • DAIMLER TRUCK: After mounting a massive campaign and building a serious strike threat against Daimler Truck this spring, UAW members at the multibillion-dollar manufacturer won a historic agreement by uniting across local unions — a first — and shifting to one common wage grid.
  • 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: In 2024, we’re taking our Stand Up playbook and bringing it to the political scene because the same bosses who beat us up on the job and fight us at the negotiating table are hell-bent on owning our political system as well.
  • And more!