BMW-RDC Local 677 members

Bargaining Update 6/27/24

The Nazareth BMW RDC is united more than ever after another successful rally today, following more mandatory overtime! We will not be divided! BMW must be afraid of the bargaining committee because today they provided their 2nd “last,…
Zachary Haas, Reyna Lopez, BMW-RDC Local 677

Bargaining Update 6/26/24

Your brothers and sisters joined the bargaining committee today to tell the company NO to their “last, best, and final” offer. We have shown the company we are united, and will not be bullied into a weak contract. The company said they…
BMW-RDC Worker Local 677 Hill Top Rally

Bargaining Update 6/25/24

Your bargaining committee waited all day for the company to meet for only 30 minutes. The company gave their “Last, Best, Complete, and Final Offer” with what the company claims is a significant raise as low as $1.51. With over 50…
Graphic with the UAW Wheel logo and the text "Bargaining Update."

Bargaining Update 6/24/2024

Your bargaining committee met with the company once again today. We’ve been here since May and have continued to tell the company your demands since day one, yet they continue to pass proposals that fail to address them. Their economic…

Bargaining Update 6/20/2024

Our bargaining committee met with the company today, presenting large bundles of both economic and non-economic proposals. We continue to demand closing the wage gap the company created years ago. Equal pay for equal work is a MUST for…
BMW-RDC Practice Picket in Nazareth, PA.

Bargaining Update 6/19/2024

Your bargaining committee met with the company today to continue negotiating for the member’s demands. The company continues to waste our time offering pennies on the dollar, and still failing to address our top issues. Their proposals continue…
Photo of Local 2300 member Mitja Bontempo, who works at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.

UAW Members at Cornell University Speak Out Ahead of Contract Expiration

UAW Local 2300 members who work at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, are speaking out about unsustainable working conditions and declining living standards despite the institution's nearly $10 billion endowment.

Bargaining Update 6/18/2024

Your bargaining committee met today and worked hard on proposals to address your concerns, such as the elimination of tiers, improved work/life balance regarding overtime, and profit sharing. The company did not have the audacity to even show…
Collage of Ultium Cells workers

VIDEO: Ultium Members Vote 98% to Ratify Contract that Sets New Standard for EV Industry

LORDSTOWN, Ohio – UAW Local 1112 members voted overwhelmingly to ratify their historic contract at Ultium Cells, which builds battery cells for GM electric vehicles. The local contract, approved by 98% over the weekend, sets a new standard…
BMW-RDC Practice Picket in Nazareth, PA.

Bargaining Update 6/13/2024

Dear brothers and sisters, Your bargaining committee met with the company today to further discuss the member's demands. The company heard stories from our members of our economic struggles resulting from their greed. While we struggle to…
Graphic with the UAW Wheel logo and the text "Bargaining Update."

Bargaining Update 6/12/2024

Dear brothers and sisters, Your bargaining committee met with the company today and brought some of our family in to speak at the table. Our members from the RDC told personal stories to the company about not being able to afford daycare,…
Photo of workers at the CareFlight servicing Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, OH.

Nurses, Medics at CareFlight Vote to Join the UAW

On Wednesday, June 12, more than 70 nurses and medics at CareFlight servicing Miami Valley Hospital voted to join the UAW.

Bargaining Update 6/11/2024

Your bargaining committee met with the company for another long day of negotiations. After hours of bargaining the company is still not taking our members' demands seriously. The company does not understand there will no longer be divisive…
UAW members who work at the BMW-RDC in Nazareth, PA, at the Local 677 union hall holding red signs that say, "Saving the American Dream", "Stand Up", and "We Stand Together."

UAW Members at Pennsylvania BMW Distribution Center Vote to Authorize Strike, If Necessary

On Saturday, June 8, workers at BMW’s Regional Distribution Center in Nazareth, PA, voted by 99% to authorize a strike if necessary.
UAW Wheel logo

UAW Members at Ultium Cells in Lordstown Reach EV Industry-Defining Tentative Agreement

UAW Local 1112 has reached a historic tentative agreement at Ultium Cells in Lordstown, Ohio, where workers build electric vehicle batteries for GM vehicles.
Photo of UAW Local 677 members who just voted by 99% to strike, if necessary, at the BMW-RDC in Nazareth, PA.
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Bargaining Update 6/8/24

Workers at BMW's Regional Distribution Center in Nazareth, PA, voted by 99% to authorize a strike, if necessary.United, these members are pushing back against concessions and fighting to end tiers, win record wage increases to match BMW's record…