Higher Wages, Affordable Health Care, Retirement Security: Volkswagen Chattanooga Workers Lay Out First Contract Demands in New Series of Videos from the UAW
CHATTANOOGA – Today, the UAW released a new video featuring members at Volkswagen Chattanooga who are negotiating their first union contract with the German automaker. The video, titled “Higher Wages,” is the latest installment in an ongoing video series highlighting the members’ key contract demands.
Determined to raise standards and improve conditions at their plant, the 4,000 UAW members at Volkswagen are fighting for a first agreement that reflects unionized auto manufacturing standards in the U.S. as well as the company’s record-breaking profits. In 2023 alone, Volkswagen reported $24.4 billion in earnings. Workers are demanding a contract that includes better wages, stronger benefits, and protections comparable to those won by U.S. unionized auto workers. The latest bargaining update and a chart comparing the current VW proposal with contracts at the Big Three can be accessed here.
Building on the momentum of their historic union victory, the members, along with the 20-person bargaining committee, are working to secure comprehensive contract language that delivers real gains and ends the era of exploitation that Volkswagen has maintained since opening the plant in 2011.
Beyond higher wages and affordable health care, members are bargaining over a broad set of workplace issues, including stronger safety standards, fair scheduling policies, paid leave, protections against unjust discipline, and a meaningful voice in workplace decision-making. Their goal is to ensure that every aspect of their working conditions is fair and rewards their hard work.
The video series can be accessed here.
“The fact that the shareholders made $12.7 billion last year and 34% of that goes to one family. And I’m just trying to afford groceries and my bills at the same time,” explains VW Bargaining Committee member Caleb Michalski. “I’ve never had a desire to be rich. I just want to be able to provide for my family and do normal American Dream stuff. That’s it.”
“Pay? We should be making more than what we’re making,” says VW Assembly Logistics worker Letonja Berry. “We not asking for nothing that they don’t have. We all know that it’s corporate greed.”
“I have three kids,” describes Bargaining Committee member Billy Quigg in another video about health care. “Is their care covered? Am I at the right doctor? How is that going to impact me financially? I should never have to worry about that. I work for the world’s largest auto manufacturer.”
“For me, at my age, it’s making sure you’re taken care of after you leave Volkswagen,” says Bargaining Committee member Vicky Holloway in a video about retirement. “Making sure there is life after Volkswagen.”
The list of video demands available from Volkswagen Chattanooga workers includes:
- Higher Wages
- Health Care
- Retirement
- Health & Safety
- Wages
- Fair Attendance & PTO
One of the most urgent concerns raised by workers is the lack of affordable health insurance. Unlike UAW autoworkers across the country, including in the south, who have won fully paid family health care with low out-of-pocket copays, VW’s employee health insurance is not meeting the needs of Chattanooga workers and their families.
In recent weeks, members have been engaging in one-on-one conversations with coworkers to complete a health care needs assessment. Again and again, coworkers share stories of financial hardship and even bankruptcy when accessing basic, necessary medical care. Some chose to opt out because VW insurance is not affordable.
Bargaining with Volkswagen kicked off last September, and the members say they’re still far apart on fundamental demands such as wages and health care and want to see management step up and address their concerns in their future proposals. The latest bargaining update and comparison chart can be accessed here.
The UAW bargaining committee is taking action to engage the membership. In conversations at the gates and in informational meetings, they’re hearing from their coworkers: we should not settle for anything less than a fair contract that reflects the true value of our labor – and we’re preparing to do what it takes to get what we’re due.
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Higher Wages, Affordable Health Care, Retirement Security: Volkswagen Chattanooga Workers Lay Out First Contract Demands in New Series of Videos from the UAW