The mission of the Women’s Department is to work to alleviate the inequities created by race and class while continuing to address gender injustice as it relates to discrimination in hiring, pay, promotion, training, seniority protection, and retention in the workplace.
The mission is realized through the four core objectives identified within the Women’s Issues Resolution that was adopted at the 38th Constitutional Convention. The four key objectives are to (1) increase gender equity, (2) advocate for gender-based justice, (3) increase equity in politics and (4) combat gender-based violence.
Gender-Based violence as defined by the International Trade Union Confederation, and adopted by the AFL-CIO is:
- Sexual harassment
- Verbal and sexist abuse
- Physical abuse
- Bullying, coercion
- Psychological abuse (intimidation and threats of violence)
- Economic and financial abuse
- Stalking
Stay informed and engaged with the UAW Women’s Department. Sign up to receive updates on key issues, events, and initiatives that support and empower UAW women. Whether you’re a longtime activist or just getting started, your voice matters. Be the first to know about leadership opportunities, training sessions, and ways to take action. Together, we can build a stronger, more inclusive labor movement. Join us today—sign up and get involved!
Your local union can reach out to the Women’s Department to gain access to the following services:
- Women’s educational training on getting out the vote, legislative issues impacting gender equality, gender-based violence, leadership development, and building/reinvigorating women’s committees.
- National mentorship training program that will develop women committee chairs, women in leadership, and women in bargaining.
- Life Resource program, which provides referrals to members seeking childcare, elder care, and mental health and well-being care in sectors that do not have an EAP program or representative.
If you’re interested in receiving services from the UAW Women’s Department and would like to request our assistance please fill out this form.
The UAW Women’s Department was created in 1955 to focus attention on the issues and concerns of women in the workplace and to provide education aimed at motivating women to become active in their union. Working in coalition with other progressive groups, such as the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), the Women’s Department is active in grassroots lobbying and educating women and men alike on such issues as domestic violence, sexual harassment, pay equity, and childcare.
Members of the Women’s Department previously served on the National War Labor Board, which developed legislation like the 1964 Equal Pay Act, working to ensure gender economic equality. They also served on the National Committee on Pay Equity; a national coalition the UAW helped found. The department continues to help regions and local unions implement UAW policies on equality, sex discrimination, and sexual harassment; and sets up Women’s Committees and Work/Family Auxiliaries.
Women are well represented in today’s unions. They make up almost half of union members (46.8 percent), or those covered by a union contract (47.1 percent), just below women’s share of all workers (48.0 percent).
Thanks to the PUMP Act, more workers have the right to break time and private space to pump breast milk during the workday. Most nursing employees now have the right to reasonable break time and space to pump at work for up to one year after their child’s birth. Learn more, here.
Learn about the storied history of women who made the UAW and labor movement what it is today! Check out the great resources we have available for you online and to download and print.
What is gender based-violence?
There is no single universally agreed definition of gender based-violence. GBV can be any act of violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women and girls, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.
Sexual harassment is not to be tolerated anywhere, including the workplace. Read more on the UAW’s policy on this important issue.
Visit www.makingstrideswalk.org/uaw to begin registration and choose the nearest walk by entering your zip code OR call 1-800-227-2345 for additional registration options.
Talk About It Wednesday’s – Educational Series
Margaret Mock – the first African American woman to serve as the UAW Secretary-Treasurer
CLUW member Nellie Besson Hendrix with a cake commemorating the 1979 movie “With Babies and Banners.” The movie told the story of the Women’s Emergency Brigade involvement in the UAW Flint Sit-Down Strike.
A scene from inside the strike kitchen showing women preparing food during the Sit Down Strike, Flint, Michigan.
Women hold picket signs to show support for the Kohler Strikers, possibly at the 1955 UAW Convention, Cleveland, Ohio.
Women bring food for strikers shut inside the plants during the Sit Down Strike, Flint, Michigan.
The first woman member of UAW Local 1112 working on the line.
Women war production workers inspect a tank while on a visit at Fort Knox, Tennessee.
The women were part of a delegation of two hundred UAW members from Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin who spent three days at Fort Knox in order to to experience army life, learn how the the goods they produced are used, and to have a chance to meet with soldiers to talk over the technical problems of production. The trip was sponsored by the CIO and the UAW War Policy Department.
Women war production workers practice maneuvers on the infiltration course during their CIO sponsored visit to Fort Knox, Tennessee.
The women were part of a delegation of two hundred UAW members from Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin who spent three days at Fort Knox in order to to experience army life, learn how the the goods they make are used, and to have a chance to meet with soldiers to talk over the technical problems of production. The trip was sponsored by the CIO and the UAW War Policy Department.
Members of the UAW Local 174 Women’s Auxiliary stand in the back of a parked streetcar and talk to the men standing outside of the Ford Rouge Plant during the Battle of the Overpass.
The Women’s Emergency Brigade marches in support of the Sit Down Strikers, Flint, MI, 1937.
Laura Dickerson – the first African American woman to serve on the UAW International Executive Board.
Three African American women, who hold signs and wear hats that show UAW support for civil rights, stand in front of the White House during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Washington, DC.
Roy Reuther, an organizer for the United Auto Workers (UAW) and Rose Pesotta, vice-president of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) and organizer on behalf of the striking auto workers, attend an undisclosed event, Flint, Michigan.
UAW organizers, members of the UAW Local 174 Women’s Auxiliary and their supporters are forced back from the Ford Rouge Plant and into the Detroit Street Railway waiting area by Ford Service Department employees during the Battle of the Overpass.
UAW organizers, members of the UAW Local 174 Women’s Auxiliary and their supporters are forced back from the Ford Rouge Plant and into the Detroit Street Railway waiting area by Ford Service Department employees during the Battle of the Overpass.
Edith Van Horn, founding member of the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC), the National Organization for Women (NOW) and the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), speaks to fellow delegates during an unidentified UAW conference, Detroit, Michigan.
Members of the UAW Women’s Auxiliary march down Woodward Ave. and carry signs that denounce U.S. involvement in the Second World War and low worker wages, Detroit, Michigan.
A war production worker named Virginia receives instruction on how to handle a rifle while on a visit to the firing range at Fort Knox, Tennessee.
The women in this photo were part of a delegation of two hundred UAW members from Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin who spent three days at Fort Knox in order to to experience army life, learn how the the goods they make are used, and to have a chance to meet with soldiers to talk over the technical problems of production. The trip was sponsored by the CIO and the UAW War Policy Department.
LaShawn English – the first African American woman to be elected Region 1 Director.
The workers of Yale and Towne Factory are escorted out of their building by police officers, Detroit, Michigan. The workers, mostly women, defied a court injunction that demanded their removal from the premises during their sit-down strike. This result was an intense battle with nearly 400 policemen that ended only after the use of force and tear gas were introduced.
A portrait of Mildred (Millie) Jeffrey.
Women demonstrate in support of striking auto workers during the 1941 Ford Strike, city unknown, Michigan.
Participants in Region 10’s First Annual Women’s Conference look over the program flier and a copy of the “CIO News”. The conference was held at UAW Local 248’s Hall, West Allis, Wisconsin.
Caroline Davis, Women’s Department Director, and Lillian Hatcher, the first African American woman to be appointed to International Staff.
Members of the UAW Women’s Auxiliary pass out special editions of the “United Automobile Worker” newsletter to workers at the Ford Rouge Plant, Dearborn, Michigan.
Four members of UAW Local 174 inspect a machine gun at the Camby Hill infiltration course. The women were responsible for the production of the machine gun back home on the assembly line in Detroit, Michigan.
The women were part of a delegation of two hundred UAW members from Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin who spent three days at Fort Knox in order to to experience army life, learn how the the goods they make are used, and to have a chance to meet with soldiers to talk over the technical problems of production. The trip was sponsored by the CIO and the UAW War Policy Department.
Children play instruments and dance during an event sponsored by members of the UAW Women’s Auxiliary, location unknown.
A woman war production worker receives instruction on how to handle a machine gun while on a visit to the firing range at Fort Knox, Tennessee.
The woman was part of a delegation of two hundred UAW members from Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin who spent three days at Fort Knox in order to to experience army life, learn how the the goods they make are used, and to have a chance to meet with soldiers to talk over the technical problems of production. The trip was sponsored by the CIO and the UAW War Policy Department.
Cindy Estrada – the first Latinx woman to serve as Vice President of the General Motors Department.
Portrait of Olga Madar at her desk.
Nearly 500 wives of UAW members attend a meeting at Solidarity House that discusses the union’s collective bargaining and legislative programs, Detroit, Michigan.
Olga Madar, UAW Executive Board Member, supporting Farah boycott pickets around Hudson’s in Detroit.
Walter Reuther distributes packets of leaflets to members of the UAW Women’s Auxiliary Brigade for distribution at the Ford Rouge Plant, two hours prior to the Battle of the Overpass.
A Ford Service Department employee attempts to restrain a member of the UAW Local 174 Women’s Auxiliary during the “Battle of the Overpass.”
Members of the UAW Women’s Auxiliary prepare sandwiches in the strike kitchen at West Side Local 174, Detroit, Michigan. The women made over 4,500 sandwiches each day to feed the men on the Ford Rouge picket line.
Members of the UAW Women’s Auxiliary gather Christmas toys to distribute to the children of General Motors workers on strike, Detroit, Michigan.
Local 6 member Helen Murphy, left of center, dines with African American members of the Women’s Army Corps during a visit to Fort Knox, Tennessee. Ms. Murphy was part of a delegation of two hundred UAW members from Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin who spent three days at Fort Knox in order to to experience army life, learn how the the goods they make are used, and to have a chance to meet with soldiers to talk over the technical problems of production. The trip was sponsored by the CIO and the UAW War Policy Department.
A flier lists the benefits and responsibilities attributed to membership in the UAW Women’s Auxiliary and calls for women who are related to auto workers to join.
Union Maid, lyrics written by Woody Guthrie
There once was a union maid, she never was afraid
Of goons and ginks and company finks and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid.
She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called,
And when the Legion boys come ’round
She always stood her ground.
Oh, you can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union,
I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union.
Oh, you can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union,
I’m sticking to the union ’til the day I die.
This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies,
She couldn’t be fooled by a company stool, she’d always organize the guys.
She always got her way when she struck for better pay.
She’d show her card to the National Guard
And this is what she’d say
You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me;
Get you a man who’s a union man and join the ladies’ auxiliary.
Married life ain’t hard when you got a union card,
A union man has a happy life when he’s got a union wife.
Cotton Mill Girls - Hedy West
It’s hard times, Cotton Mill Girls,
Hard times, Cotton Mill Girls
It’s hard times, Cotton Mill Girls, hard times everywhere
I worked in a cotton mill all of my life
Ain’t got nothing but this Barlow knife
It’s hard times Cotton Mill Girls, It’s hard times everywhere
In 1915 we heard it said
Move to the country and get ahead
It’s hard times Cotton Mill Girls, It’s hard times everywhere
Us kids worked 14 hours a day
For 13 cents of measly pay
It’s hard times Cotton Mill Girls, It’s hard times everywhere
When I die don’t buy me at all
Just hang me up on the spinning room wall
Pickle my bones in alcohol, it’s hard times everywhere
The world today’s in mourning
O’er the death of Mother Jones;
Gloom and sorrow hover
Around the miners’ homes.
This grand old champion of labor
Was known in every land;
She fought for right and justice,
She took a noble stand.
O’er the hills and through the valley
In ev’ry mining town;
Mother Jones was ready to help them,
She never turned them down.
On front with the striking miners
She always could be found;
And received a hearty welcome
In ev’ry mining town.
She was fearless of every danger,
She hated that which was wrong;
She never gave up fighting
Until her breath was gone.
This noble leader of labor
Has gone to a better land;
While the hard-working miners,
They miss her guiding hand.
May the miners all work together
To carry out her plan;
And bring back better conditions
For every laboring man.
Which Side Are You On? A Song by Florence Patton Reece
Come all of you good workers
Good news to you I’ll tell
Of how that good old union
Has come in here to dwell
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
My daddy was a miner
And I’m a miner’s son
And I’ll stick with the union
Till every battle’s won
They say in Harlan County
There are no neutrals there
You’ll either be a union man
Or a thug for J.H. Blair
Oh, workers can you stand it?
Oh, tell me how you can
Will you be a lousy scab
Or will you be a man?
Don’t scab for the bosses
Don’t listen to their lies
Us poor folks haven’t got a chance
Unless we organize
Bread and Roses - a song by James Oppenheim
As we go marching, marching, in the beauty of the day
A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill lofts gray
Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses
For the people hear us singing, bread and roses, bread and roses.
As we come marching, marching, we battle too, for men,
For they are in the struggle and together we shall win.
Our days shall not be sweated from birth until life closes,
Hearts starve as well as bodies, give us bread, but give us roses.
As we come marching, marching, un-numbered women dead
Go crying through our singing their ancient call for bread,
Small art and love and beauty their trudging spirits knew
Yes, it is bread we. fight for, but we fight for roses, too.
As we go marching, marching, we’re standing proud and tall.
The rising of the women means the rising of us all.
No more the drudge and idler, ten that toil where one reposes,
But a sharing of life’s glories, bread and roses, bread and roses.
The Rebel Girl - Lyrics: Joe Hill
There are women of many descriptions
In this queer world, as everyone knows,
Some are living in beautiful mansions,
And are wearing the finest of clothes
There are blue blooded queens and princesses
Who have charms made of diamonds and pearl;
But the only and thoroughbred lady
Is the Rebel Girl.
To the working class she’s a precious pearl.
She brings courage, pride and joy
To the fighting Rebel Boy.
We’ve had girls before, but we need some more
In the Industrial Workers of the World.
For it’s great to fight for freedom
With a Rebel Girl.
Yes, her hands may be hardened from labor,
And her dress may not be very fine;
But a heart in her bosom is beating
That is true to her class and her kind.
And the grafters in terror are trembling
When her spite and defiance she’ll hurl;
For the only and thoroughbred lady
Is the Rebel Girl
I am a Union Woman - Lyrics: Aunt Molly Jackson
I am a union woman
Just as brave as I can be.
I do not like the bosses
And the bosses don’t like me.
Join the N.M.U. Come join the N.M.U.(3)
I was raised in Kentucky.
In Kentucky borned and bred.
And when I joined the union,
They called me a Russian red.
This song was originally posted on protestsonglyrics.net
Join the N.M.U. Come join the N.M.U.
When my husband asked the boss for a job,
This is the words he said:
“Bill Jackson, I can’t work you, sir,
Your wife’s a Rooshian red.”
Come join the N.M.U. Join the N.M.U.
If you want to join a union
As strong as one can be
Join the dear old NMU
And come along with me.
If you want to join a union
Step in and come along.
We’ll all be glad to have you,
We’re many thousand strong.
This song was originally posted on protestsonglyrics.net
Come join the N.M.U. Join the N.M.U.
We are many thousand strong,
And I am glad to say,
We are getting stronger
And stronger every day.
If you want to get your freedom
And gain your liberty,
Join the dear old CIO(4)
Also the ILD.(5)
Join the N.M.U. Come join the N.M.U.
Just join the dear old ILD
And come along with me.
The workers are all protected
By the dear old ILD.
Join the N.M.U. Come join the N.M.U.
The bosses ride the big fine white horse
While we walk in the mud.
Their flag’s the old red, white and blue
And ours is dipped in blood.
We Were There - A Song by Bev Grant © Bev Grant 1997
We have ploughed and we have planted. We have gathered into barns.
Done the same work as the men with babies in our arms.
But you won’t find our stories in most history books you read.
We were there . We’re still here, fighting for the things we need.
We were there in the factories, we were there in the mills,
We were there in the mines, and came home to fix the meals.
We were there on the picket lines. We raised our voices loud.
It makes me proud, just knowing we were there.
From the textile mills in Lawrence to the sweat shops in New York,
From the fields in California where our children had to work,
We fought to make a living bread and roses was our cry.
Though they jailed and beat our bodies our spirit never died.
Repeat chorus
We were Polish, We were Irish, We were African and Jew
Italian and Latina, Chinese and Russian, too
They tried to use our differences to split us all apart
But the pain we felt together touched the bottom of our hearts.
Repeat chorus
We are teachers, we are doctors, We are cooks and engineers.
Letter carriers, truck drivers, conductors and cashiers.
We operate machinery, We fly the big airplanes.
And we help to build our unions. We got struggle in our veins.
Repeat chorus 2x
Fifty-Nine Cents - Lyrics: Fred Small
High school days dreams come easy and free,
When you’re a working woman watcha gonna be?
A senator, a surgeon – aim for the heights,
But the guidance office says, lower your sights,
To fifty-nine cents to every man’s dollar,
Fifty-nine cents, it’s a low down deal,
Fifty-nine cents makes a grown woman hollar,
They give you a diploma, It’s the paycheck they steal.
She’s off to college, the elite kind,
To polish her manners, sharpen her mind,
Honors in English, letter in Lacrosse,
Teaches her to type for her favorite boss.
This song was originally posted on protestsonglyrics.net
Junior executive on her way up,
Special assistant to the man at the top.
She’s on in a million and all that she’s found,
Was her own secretary now to order around, at…
This song was originally posted on protestsonglyrics.net
But the word is being procesed in the typing pool;
A working woman ain’t nobody’s fool.
She’s telling the boss on Secretary’s Day,
“You can keep the flowers, buddy, give me a raise more than…
To fifty-nine cents to every man’s dollar,
Fifty-nine cents, it’s a low down deal,
Fifty-nine cents makes a grown woman hollar,
“You can keep your flowers, buddy, give us a raise!”
Ballad of a Working Mother - Lyrics: Marilyn Major
My kids were only babies,
when their Daddy went away.
So I hung up my apron and
went out to work for pay.
They put me on the night-shift,
working on a big machine;
That was the last of normal life,
my kids and I have seen.
Oh, I am a working mother,
working hard to earn my way,
In the fact’ry through the long dark night,
I sleep near half the day,
They say I should be happy,
that my pay – it ain’t too bad.
They forget I am the only parent,
that my kids have ever had.
I hired a baby sitter,
she made near as much as me.
She watched the television,
while my babies they ran free.
Well, I finally found a good one,
and she treated them just fine;
but it hurt to see them give her,
all the love that should be mine.
As the years went by I learned my job,
and half the men’s jobs too.
They liked to let me use their tools,
just to see what I could do.
They’d pat me on the fanny,
and they’d tell me I was cute;
for a decent job with equal pay,
that was sure some substitute.
I went to see the foreman,
and I told him of my skills,
I knew if I could get that job,
It would help to pay my bills,
Well the foreman, he said honey,
we just can’t do that you see;
that job is for a working man
who has a family.

UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
UAW | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of AmericaMEMORIES
On March 24, 1974, over 3,000 determined labor union women and supportive feminists from across the United States convened in Chicago to create the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW). The UAW was a founding supporter of CLUW, which elected then-UAW Vice President Olga Madar as its first president.
CLUW’s first convention established four goals that would guide its work to improve and empower working women:
- Promote workplace affirmative action
- Strengthen the role of women in unions
- Organize women in the workplace
- Increase women’s roles and influence in political and legislative processes
CLUW has dozens of chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada, with members representing most international and national unions. We encourage you to also join a local CLUW chapter. For more information, visit www.cluw.org.
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